Events and Payloads


Currently, we support the following Events:

Entity Events
Client client.created, client.updated, client.deleted
File import file_import.finished


Every event payload has a base structure as follows:

  "event_name": "name_of.event",
  "object": {
    "field1": "object specific field",
    "field2": "object specific field"

event_name: Name of the event that triggered the webhook event.

object: Object filled with data specific to each entity.

Client payload

Field Description
id BSPK’s unique identifier of the client
external_id Client’s Unique identifier (linked by your backend or ERP system)
first_name First name of the client
last_name Last name of the client
alternate_first_name Alternate first name of the client
alternate_last_name Alternate last name of the client
title Title of the client
email Email of the client
mobile_phone Mobile phone of the client
other_phone Other phone of the client
birthday Birthday of the client
gender Gender of the client (accepted values: NULL, “F” (Female), “M” (Male), “NB” (“Non-binary”))
nationality Nationality of the client
passport_number Passport Number of the client
language Language of the client
addresses List of client’s addresses
current_store Attributes related to the client’s current assigned store
current_sales_associate Attributes related to the client’s current assigned sales associate
preferred_contact_channel The preferred channel of the client
communication_preferences Whether or not the client has enabled being contacted by a given channel
consent Whether or not the client has given consent
notify_of_new_collection Whether or not the client wants to be notified of new collections
preferences The preferences assigned to the client
preferred_journey The Journey which the client is assigned to
interests Interests of that client, i.e. Surf, Golfing
segment The Segmentention which the client is assigned to
referred_by_client_id Unique identifier of the client that referred this client
referred_at The date when the client referral was recorded in BSPK
last_contacted_at The last date the client was contacted by a Sales Associate
created_at Timestamp of when the client was created
updated_at Timestamp of when the client was updated

Sample Client payload:

  "event_name": "client.updated",
  "object": {
    "id": 123,
    "external_id": "C-720",
    "first_name": "Mark",
    "last_name": "Desmound",
    "alternate_first_name": "标记",
    "alternate_last_name": "德斯蒙德",
    "title": "Mr.",
    "current_store": {
      "external_id": "STR-001"
    "current_sales_associate": {
      "external_id": "SA-123"
    "email": "",
    "mobile_phone": "+1 555 98765998",
    "other_phone": "+1 555 4431009",
    "birthday": "1980-01-23",
    "gender": "M",
    "nationality": "French",
    "passport_number": "WT0010002098",
    "language": "FR",
    "addresses": [
        "address": "661 N Park Ave",
        "address_2": "Apartment #106",
        "address_3": "",
        "address_4": "",
        "city": "Shawnee",
        "state": "Oklahoma(OK)",
        "zip": "74801",
        "country_code": "USA"
    "preferred_contact_channel": "email",
    "communication_preferences": {
      "chat_opt_in": true,
      "email_opt_in": true,
      "phone_opt_in": true,
      "whatsapp_opt_in": false,
      "wechat_opt_in": false,
      "line_opt_in": false,
      "opt_out": false
    "consent": true,
    "notify_of_new_collection": true,
    "preferences": [
      { "name": "styles", "value": ["Business (Mon-Fri)"] },
      { "name": "profession", "value": ["Real Estate"] }
    "interests": [ "Surf", "Golfing" ],
    "preferred_journey": "special_order",
    "segment": "VIP",
    "referred_by_client_id": "CL-123",
    "referred_at": "2021-07-20T09:00:00Z",
    "last_contacted_at": "2021-07-23T09:00:00Z",
    "created_at": "2021-01-10T15:00:00Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-07-23T09:00:00Z"

File import payload

Field Description
id BSPK’s unique identifier of file import
status Import’s status: set to “error” when any errors are present or “completed” when there are no errors
started_at Timestamp of when the import started
finished_at Timestamp of when the import finished
file_name Name of imported file
s3_bucket_name Name of S3 bucket where imported file was dropped
processed_rows_count Number of successfully processed rows
error_rows_count Number of rows that failed to process successfully
errors An array of errors where each error is defined by its line number in import file and the error message
warnings An array of warnings where each warning is defined by its line number in import file and the warning message

Sample File import payload:

  "event_name": "file_import.finished",
  "object": {
    "id": 123,
    "status": "error",
    "started_at": "2022-03-02T13:55:29.000Z",
    "finished_at": "2022-03-07T15:12:30.390Z",
    "file_name": "PRODUCT_V2-20220101.csv",
    "s3_bucket_name": "bspk-company-integration-prod",
    "processed_rows_count": 200,
    "error_rows_count": 2,
    "errors": [
        "line": 5,
        "err_msg": ["Store not found for store_id: S_5"]
        "line": 8,
        "err_msg": ["Product Variant not found for product_ref: ID_1 and sku: SKU_4"]
    "warnings": []